Vagh Baras 2021 In Ancient cultures of India Diwali is one of the biggest Hindu festivals which are celebrated throughout the world. Though it is one of the Hindu festivals this special occasion is declared as the official holiday.
On the day of this religious festival people goddess worship and offers Laxmi pooja to the Hindu goddess. Laxmi goddess is also called a goddess of wealth. During festive season people decorates their houses with different types of lights, flowers nd rangoli. At the festival time everywhere we can find decorative lights hence this festival is called a celebration of lights by the name itself Diwali. Vagh Baras is one of the festival day of Diwali which comes a day before Dhanteras. Vagh Baaras Wishes is also called Govatsa Dwadashi and Guru Dwadashi in western states of India (e.g. in Gujarat). Vagh Baras 2019 also called Vasubaras in Maharashtra. People of north India worship this day for Govamsa puja. This day Vagh Baras Images are shared in the auspicious for worship cow and calf. Some places in Gujarat, by the Dhodia tribe, celebrate Vagh Baras playing the game of Vagh (tiger) and cow, a person wears clothes of tiger skin and chase for a person who wears clothes of the cow.
Happy Vagh Baras
Aayi Hai Vagh Baras Dekho
Sang Layi Khushiya Dekho
Yehan Wahan Jahan Dekho
Aaj Deep Jagmagate Dekho
Happy Vagh Baras to you and your family!!
Phool Ki Shuruvat Kali Se Hoti Hai,
Zindagi Ki Shuruvat Pyar Se Hoti Hai,
Pyar Ki Shuruvat Apno Se Hoti Hai Aur
Apno Ki Shuruvat Aapse Hoti Hai.
Wish You Happy Vagh baras
Vagh Baras Images

May This Vagh Baras 2021, You Be Blessed With
Good Fortune – As Long As Ganeshji’s Trunk,
Wealth And Prosperity – As Big As His Stomach,
Happiness As Sweet As His Ladoos And
Troubles – As Small As His Mouse.
Wish You Happy Vagh Baras
May The Beauty Of Vagh Baras 2021
Fill Your Home With Happiness,
And May The Coming Year
Provide You With All
That Bring You Joy!
Happy Vagh Baras 2021
Get Updated With Happy vagh baras 2021. You can Download Images Wishes Quotes and Rangoli from the Vagh baras page. People celebrate 5 Days of Diwali all over the world.